New manuscript type GC Insights
23 July 2021
The EGU journal Geoscience Communications (GC) is launching a new manuscript type to promote the flow of notable insights about geosciences between scientific researchers and other audiences (e.g. government, industry, community groups). The format invites the publication of an exciting, well-founded, and robust insight without a comprehensive analysis of all its aspects.
"In geoscience communication, almost by definition, subjects can rarely be fully addressed by one group. Instead, they range from university-based environmental science research to everyday application and use. As such, a variety of interested parties and expertise are needed to create clear communication," says chief editor Sam Illingworth.
Editor John Hillier adds that "On the other hand, especially in this multi-disciplinary and multi-sector environment, a colleague can have a brilliant insight for which they do not have the means for a comprehensive analysis. Perhaps their focus is on physical science, or they work in industry. GC Insights are put out to initiate research or geoscience communication activities". GC Insights aim to present an insight in a concise way in one or two pages (500 to 1500 words), including one figure or table. The format is meant for presenting a single insight that is likely to initiate further research or communication activity within the interdisciplinary readership of GC.
Evidence and insights from either practitioners or researchers are encouraged. For example, a GC Insight might bring transparency to an aspect of a commercial output (e.g. organisational blog, or briefing note) using a sub-set of normalized data that can be released, be a brilliant early-stage idea of a dedicated geoscience communicator, or present the results of a quick and pragmatic survey.