The authors developed and evaluated a board game about sea level rise to engage young adults. They found that the game positively influenced participants' perceptions of their impact on sea level rise, regardless of their prior familiarity with science. Read more.
The authors developed and evaluated a board game about sea level rise to engage young adults. They found that the game positively influenced participants' perceptions of their impact on sea level rise, regardless of their prior familiarity with science. Read more.
We are pleased to announce that a new referee application form is now available. This means that if you are interested in contributing to the peer-review process and supporting high-quality scientific publishing in your community then you can apply today to become a referee. Your expertise can make a difference. Visit the online form here to learn more and join our reviewer community.
We are pleased to announce that a new referee application form is now available. This means that if you are interested in contributing to the peer-review process and supporting high-quality scientific publishing in your community then you can apply today to become a referee. Your expertise can make a difference. Visit the online form here to learn more and join our reviewer community.
A big thank you to all referees for their volunteer work in providing fair, thorough, and constructive peer-review reports! Through their invaluable contribution our interactive open-access journals maintain their high scientific standards and their ongoing success.
A big thank you to all referees for their volunteer work in providing fair, thorough, and constructive peer-review reports! Through their invaluable contribution our interactive open-access journals maintain their high scientific standards and their ongoing success.

The Copernicus Twitter account as well as all Twitter accounts of journals published by us have been deactivated. There will be no automatic feeds of newly posted preprints or published journal articles anymore, we do not actively tweet, and the status informs that the accounts are no longer maintained. Twitter is no longer linked from the journal websites or in the share section of the preprint or journal article HTML pages.
The Copernicus Twitter account as well as all Twitter accounts of journals published by us have been deactivated. There will be no automatic feeds of newly posted preprints or published journal articles anymore, we do not actively tweet, and the status informs that the accounts are no longer maintained. Twitter is no longer linked from the journal websites or in the share section of the preprint or journal article HTML pages.

We are pleased to announce that scientists associated with our 38 library partners representing 350 universities and research centres as well as 300 institutions from Research4Life countries will be informed directly about APC coverage when browsing our articles on ResearchGate. Read more.
We are pleased to announce that scientists associated with our 38 library partners representing 350 universities and research centres as well as 300 institutions from Research4Life countries will be informed directly about APC coverage when browsing our articles on ResearchGate. Read more.
Conferences are key for knowledge exchange and networking. However, these events lack diversity, favoring wealthier countries and limiting opportunities for scholars from lower-income regions. This study of the EGU meeting reveals that attendance is mostly influenced by a country's income. Read more.
Conferences are key for knowledge exchange and networking. However, these events lack diversity, favoring wealthier countries and limiting opportunities for scholars from lower-income regions. This study of the EGU meeting reveals that attendance is mostly influenced by a country's income. Read more.
You have worked hard to get your results, analyse the data, and draw conclusions from your research topic. Now it is time to write up! Please find information on EGU's webinar "How to write a research paper" here.
You have worked hard to get your results, analyse the data, and draw conclusions from your research topic. Now it is time to write up! Please find information on EGU's webinar "How to write a research paper" here.
Copernicus is pleased to announce a new collaboration with ResearchGate in the framework of ResearchGate's Journal Home programme. Please read Copernicus' official announcement and have a look at GC's profile page for more details.
Copernicus is pleased to announce a new collaboration with ResearchGate in the framework of ResearchGate's Journal Home programme. Please read Copernicus' official announcement and have a look at GC's profile page for more details.
GC now offers a co-review option for referees. Please read more.
GC now offers a co-review option for referees. Please read more.
GC has now received its first Journal Impact Factor (JIF). The JIF for 2023 is 0.7. Moreover, Scopus has again awarded the journal a CiteScore of 3.3. Please read more.
GC has now received its first Journal Impact Factor (JIF). The JIF for 2023 is 0.7. Moreover, Scopus has again awarded the journal a CiteScore of 3.3. Please read more.

Copernicus Publications is delighted to announce a new agreement with the Swedish National Consortium, Bibsam. Through the agreement, authors affiliated with Bibsam member institutions benefit from the direct settlement of article-processing charges (APCs) in all journals published by Copernicus Publications. Read more.
Copernicus Publications is delighted to announce a new agreement with the Swedish National Consortium, Bibsam. Through the agreement, authors affiliated with Bibsam member institutions benefit from the direct settlement of article-processing charges (APCs) in all journals published by Copernicus Publications. Read more.
Tools based on artificial intelligence (AI) are increasingly being used to create scientific documents, including peer-reviewed publications, preprints and conference contributions. Please read EGU's statement on the use of such tools in publications.
Tools based on artificial intelligence (AI) are increasingly being used to create scientific documents, including peer-reviewed publications, preprints and conference contributions. Please read EGU's statement on the use of such tools in publications.
Copernicus Publications started using the Research Organization Registry (ROR) database as the framework to assign institutional identifiers to corresponding authors in order to disambiguate affiliations listed on a published article and greatly enhancing the reporting capabilities to all academic stakeholders. Please read more.
Copernicus Publications started using the Research Organization Registry (ROR) database as the framework to assign institutional identifiers to corresponding authors in order to disambiguate affiliations listed on a published article and greatly enhancing the reporting capabilities to all academic stakeholders. Please read more.
We would like to say a huge thank you to all referees for their volunteer efforts to provide fair, thorough, and constructive peer-review reports. Their invaluable contribution maintains our high scientific standards and ensures the ongoing success of our interactive open-access journals.
We would like to say a huge thank you to all referees for their volunteer efforts to provide fair, thorough, and constructive peer-review reports. Their invaluable contribution maintains our high scientific standards and ensures the ongoing success of our interactive open-access journals.
The journal metrics 2022 were released. Please find further information on the journal metrics page.
The journal metrics 2022 were released. Please find further information on the journal metrics page.
To offer our journal editors a better service and an improved experience in our online system, we have significantly improved the referee nomination tool in our review system Copernicus Office Editor. Experience more and take a look.
To offer our journal editors a better service and an improved experience in our online system, we have significantly improved the referee nomination tool in our review system Copernicus Office Editor. Experience more and take a look.

Looking to gain experience and boost your confidence as a referee? Apply for the EGU peer review training, and gain valuable insights into the peer review process. EGU is offering FREE online training in which you'll learn about the role of peer review in the publication process, in addition to review criteria and open peer review, and get hands-on experience in writing reviews. To find out more and apply, visit
Looking to gain experience and boost your confidence as a referee? Apply for the EGU peer review training, and gain valuable insights into the peer review process. EGU is offering FREE online training in which you'll learn about the role of peer review in the publication process, in addition to review criteria and open peer review, and get hands-on experience in writing reviews. To find out more and apply, visit

We are very proud to announce that GC's chief-executive and founding editor Sam Illingworth has been awarded the 2023 Katia and Maurice Krafft Award of the EGU. Sam received the award for visionary work in developing and implementing methods to communicate geoscience in an innovative and inclusive way, and with a diverse audience. Please read Sam's preprint resulting from his award lecture. Congratulations, Sam!
We are very proud to announce that GC's chief-executive and founding editor Sam Illingworth has been awarded the 2023 Katia and Maurice Krafft Award of the EGU. Sam received the award for visionary work in developing and implementing methods to communicate geoscience in an innovative and inclusive way, and with a diverse audience. Please read Sam's preprint resulting from his award lecture. Congratulations, Sam!

Do you work in the geosciences and/or science communication? If yes, please consider applying to be an Associate Editor for GC. Read more.
Do you work in the geosciences and/or science communication? If yes, please consider applying to be an Associate Editor for GC. Read more.
In the coming days and weeks, readers of our journals will experience a facelift of our websites. Read more about the background.
In the coming days and weeks, readers of our journals will experience a facelift of our websites. Read more about the background.
Copernicus Publications is delighted to announce a new agreement with the UK-based Jisc (Joint Information Systems Committee) to streamline open-access publishing for their members. Read more.
Copernicus Publications is delighted to announce a new agreement with the UK-based Jisc (Joint Information Systems Committee) to streamline open-access publishing for their members. Read more.
The journal metrics 2021 were released and the current numbers are available from the journal metrics overview.
The journal metrics 2021 were released and the current numbers are available from the journal metrics overview.
Today the European Geosciences Union and Copernicus Publications are announcing sweeping new changes, that will give our authors the ability to make vital alterations to their names in previously published scientific literature. This new policy will allow authors to retrospectively update previous publications with their current names, including conference abstracts, preprints, and peer-reviewed articles.
Today the European Geosciences Union and Copernicus Publications are announcing sweeping new changes, that will give our authors the ability to make vital alterations to their names in previously published scientific literature. This new policy will allow authors to retrospectively update previous publications with their current names, including conference abstracts, preprints, and peer-reviewed articles.
Geoscience communication were extremely saddened to hear about the death of one of our Editors Professor Chris King. A full obituary can be read here: Our thoughts and condolences are also with his family, friends, and colleagues.
Geoscience communication were extremely saddened to hear about the death of one of our Editors Professor Chris King. A full obituary can be read here: Our thoughts and condolences are also with his family, friends, and colleagues.
EGUsphere, the innovative open-access repository created by the European Geosciences Union and Copernicus Publications, is growing. For the first time, authors will be able to upload preprints to the online resource, taking advantage of EGU’s pioneering public peer-review process, whilst preparing their papers for future release.
EGUsphere, the innovative open-access repository created by the European Geosciences Union and Copernicus Publications, is growing. For the first time, authors will be able to upload preprints to the online resource, taking advantage of EGU’s pioneering public peer-review process, whilst preparing their papers for future release.
At the end of the year, we would like to express our deep gratitude for our collaboration with all editors, referees, and authors in 2021. Please take a look at our Christmas card. Since our virtual office is closed from 23 Dec to 2 Jan and a significant number of editors and referees pause their work over the Christmas days, we extended all journal review deadlines: deadlines expiring shortly before or over Christmas have been extended to the week after and deadlines expiring after Christmas or over New Year have been extended to after New Year’s Day. Season's greetings and a happy New Year. Please stay healthy.
At the end of the year, we would like to express our deep gratitude for our collaboration with all editors, referees, and authors in 2021. Please take a look at our Christmas card. Since our virtual office is closed from 23 Dec to 2 Jan and a significant number of editors and referees pause their work over the Christmas days, we extended all journal review deadlines: deadlines expiring shortly before or over Christmas have been extended to the week after and deadlines expiring after Christmas or over New Year have been extended to after New Year’s Day. Season's greetings and a happy New Year. Please stay healthy.
We are proud to announce that GC has just published its first GC Letter. GC Letters are short research articles that report particularly important results and major advances in a concise and engaging style. Read more.
We are proud to announce that GC has just published its first GC Letter. GC Letters are short research articles that report particularly important results and major advances in a concise and engaging style. Read more.
Geoscience Communication is delighted to welcome Dr John Hillier as an executive editor, taking over from Professor Iain Stewart.
Geoscience Communication is delighted to welcome Dr John Hillier as an executive editor, taking over from Professor Iain Stewart.
In April 2021 the EGU Publications Committee launched the first author survey to routinely ask authors about their publishing experience in EGU journals, in order to learn more about how EGU and Copernicus can serve the scientific community with their publications. Over the last 6 months, 160 contact authors answered the survey representing about 10% of the papers published during this time. We are delighted about the positive feedback and thank all authors. Please read the full report.
In April 2021 the EGU Publications Committee launched the first author survey to routinely ask authors about their publishing experience in EGU journals, in order to learn more about how EGU and Copernicus can serve the scientific community with their publications. Over the last 6 months, 160 contact authors answered the survey representing about 10% of the papers published during this time. We are delighted about the positive feedback and thank all authors. Please read the full report.
We are pleased to announce that Scopus has completed its evaluation of Geoscience Communication (GC) and announced that it will include the journal in its database.
We are pleased to announce that Scopus has completed its evaluation of Geoscience Communication (GC) and announced that it will include the journal in its database.
The EGU journal Geoscience Communications (GC) is launching a new manuscript type to promote the flow of notable insights about geosciences between scientific researchers and other audiences (e.g. government, industry, community groups). The format invites the publication of an exciting, well-founded, and robust insight without a comprehensive analysis of all its aspects.
The EGU journal Geoscience Communications (GC) is launching a new manuscript type to promote the flow of notable insights about geosciences between scientific researchers and other audiences (e.g. government, industry, community groups). The format invites the publication of an exciting, well-founded, and robust insight without a comprehensive analysis of all its aspects.
EGU is seeking scientists who want to gain experience in the realm of scientific publishing to pre-screen manuscripts submitted to the Union's new online platform.
EGU is seeking scientists who want to gain experience in the realm of scientific publishing to pre-screen manuscripts submitted to the Union's new online platform.
We are very saddened to report of the death of our friend and colleague Dr Jonathan (Jon) Tennant, who was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, during the early morning of Thursday the 9th April. As well as being an Executive Editor for the Geoscience Communication journal, Jon was a powerhouse in the Open Scholarship movement, working tirelessly to develop practices that enabled science to be accessible for everyone, rather than being the preserve of an elite few.
We are very saddened to report of the death of our friend and colleague Dr Jonathan (Jon) Tennant, who was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, during the early morning of Thursday the 9th April. As well as being an Executive Editor for the Geoscience Communication journal, Jon was a powerhouse in the Open Scholarship movement, working tirelessly to develop practices that enabled science to be accessible for everyone, rather than being the preserve of an elite few.
GC has been accepted into the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and has received the DOAJ Seal which recognizes journals with an exceptionally high level of publishing standards and best practice.
GC has been accepted into the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and has received the DOAJ Seal which recognizes journals with an exceptionally high level of publishing standards and best practice.
A video abstract is a short video statement providing authors with the opportunity to present background information about their findings and to showcase their research activities to a wider audience.
A video abstract is a short video statement providing authors with the opportunity to present background information about their findings and to showcase their research activities to a wider audience.
Data underpinning any research finding should be findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) ? not only for humans, but also for machines. Therefore, Copernicus Publications requests that such data are available upon publication of an article.
Data underpinning any research finding should be findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) ? not only for humans, but also for machines. Therefore, Copernicus Publications requests that such data are available upon publication of an article.
- Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities (20–22 Oct 2003)
- Budapest Open Access Initiative (14 Feb 2002)